Thursday, November 18, 2010

Minimize Electricity Consumption by Using Modern Appliances

Most people are still not aware of the fact that when we save electricity we help on contributing from polluting our planet. Today, a lot of electricity providers and huge electric companies still burn coals as a means of supplying electricity to their consumers. Coal is a precious energy that comes from fossil fuels which is also used to produce gas. If fossil fuels, and eventually they will run out, we will have no more energy source to produce gas as fossil fuels are a kind of non renewable energy source. Also by burning coals, the smoke that it emits is very hazardous to the environment, which also basically means that every time we consume electricity, more smoke is produced and more pollution is done.

Many experts on the field of environmental safety have programs that teach us how we can avoid the pollution of our environment. The government has launched advertisements that can be seen on televisions regarding the saving of our environment and all we have to do is follow their instructions the environment's safety and do our part as human beings. Well, one simple and effective way to save the environment is to save electricity. When saving electricity, we minimize the burning of coals that are massively destroying our ozone layer.

Unplugging appliances from wall outlets greatly saves electricity and our environment. Appliances that are still plugged in to the outlets consume huge electricity without you knowing it. Any appliances consuming electricity without you using it or not having anything from it is a total waste of electricity. 80% of electricity is being wasted when any appliances are still plugged into the outlets. So always make sure to unplug any appliances that are still connected to the outlets to insure a total saving of electricity.

If by any chance you are still using an old washing machine, stop using the tumble dryer. The old tumble dryers consume a rather ample amount of electricity. To save electricity from old types of washing machines and dryers, hang your clothes outside the house and use the heat of the sun instead as it is also capable of drying any kind of fabric.

The lightings of your home also consumes a huge amount of electricity especially the old kinds of bulbs. Many houses still have old yellow bulbs installed at home and it continuously consumes an additional 15% of electricity consumption. The best solution is to invest on the energy saving bulbs that will not just lessen your electricity consumption but also save you money from electricity bills. Start changing your old bulbs to the energy saving and modern types of bulb as early as possible so you can start saving money from electricity consumption. In addition to the savings you will be getting from the modern bulbs, these types of bulbs are a lot more durable that the old ones. You will not be changing your bulbs any time soon if it is the modern and energy saving bulb. It will be a wise investment.

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