Monday, August 23, 2010

How to Save Energy

Everytime you save energy, you save money. Yes, that’s how it is. You also help lessen the demand for fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas. Reducing the burning of fossil fuels lowers carbon dioxide emissions, which is the main contributor to pollution and global warming. Now consumers have the absolute choice and power to change the way they use energy use through various energy saving measures. Simply by exercising only a few steps to conserving and saving energy, you are cutting annual human emissions by thousand pounds and your electricity bills by hundred dollars every month! What can you say about that? Talking about big amounts it should be great!

You can start by using your automobile not often. This is not impossible and certainly not difficult but the only problem is that people are so used to it that its absence is an inconvenience. But there are actually other simpler ways such as making use of public vehicles once in a while, bicycling or walking; everybody knows those are good exercise. Turn off lights during daytime and allow the natural solar light illuminate your office or room. Take time to look around your area and see if there are extra lights and other power supplied appliance/equipment that is not being used. You could save a lot of energy simply by unplugging few things. Turn your home/office refrigerator down. These appliances account to nearly 20% of the entire household usage of electricity. Make use of a thermometer to set refrigerator temperature about 37 degrees and your freezer on the point of 3 degrees as it’s possible. Make sure you turned on the energy saver switch. Check also the gaskets around its doors and make sure they are sealed tightly and clean. Choose energy-efficient labels/models for your new appliances or when you replace old appliances. Always look for “Energy Star” labels. It is your primary assurance that the product can save energy and also prevent pollution. Buy products equally sized to your particular needs and not necessarily the biggest/largest one available. Do not front load your washing machine as it usually cuts hot water use to around 60 to 70 percent compared to standard machines. Replace an old refrigerator with a new model with an energy-efficient label. It will save you big. Buy light bulbs. The compact fluorescent kinds are really good energy savers. They are a smart way to save energy at your home especially in the long run. Buying compact fluorescent bulbs are very energy-efficient. Although they cost more at the start, they can really save you money in the long run just by using only a quarter of the energy of ordinary incandescent bulb that can around 9-12 times longer. They also provide equivalent amount of light. The good thing is that only 10 percent of energy consumed by a typical light bulb generates the light. If every household replace just one of its standard light bulbs with an energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulb, they could save about 260 pounds of CO2 per year. Think about that.

History of Glacial Energy

Glacial Energy is probably the newest source of alternative energy today. Many business owners are now looking into the benefits of this type of energy provider. Those who are after getting the lowest price possible on electricity as well as the biggest monthly savings possible will really appreciate the Glacial Energy potential. Consumers will not regret having it as their new Retail Energy Supplier (RES); after all they are a stable and growing energy provider serving several states in the USA. Glacial Energy is a direct RES established during the period when electricity market in the United States was deregulated. Glacial Energy markets power supply to 15 deregulated markets in over 6 years of experience handling the needs of industrial and commercial consumers of all sizes. Glacial Energy is dedicated to deliver the best blend of service and price to many commercial bodies of all sizes and scopes that result to a value for energy cost-conscious consumers that is beyond comparison. Presently, Glacial Energy is approved and qualified to do business in the following states: Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New York, Maine, Texas, Maryland, New Hampshire, Michigan, Ohio, Rhode Island and Pennsylvania.

The success of Glacial Energy as a Retail Energy Supplier is attributable to their simplicity in management and business transactions. They provide variable rates and plans based on lower wholesale prices, lesser overhead costs, simplified billing process, an automated transfer of funds and no fee cancellations. Their ability to offer electronic fund transfers supports an eco-friendly system that is paper-free thus very efficient. Their email billing system is as convenient as simply debiting your checking account. And should you want to switch to another energy provider, there is no need to pay for cancellation fee. Glacial Energy streamlines a business model through an advanced office infrastructure that allows customers to take in hand their unique commercial and industrial needs. These are significant points, combined with an enormous experience of their management team that contribute to the business by offering services that satisfy the specific needs of customers without sacrificing efficiency. Moreover, Glacial Energy applies flexibility of contract to their clients. They offer short and long term contracts with switching capabilities to provide customers maximum flexibility and freedom to switch to other energy suppliers if they want to. Furthermore, their billing structure consolidates unlimited account numbers within a single statement, provides summarized billing to many parties in an organization and develops customized billing solutions to suit customer needs.

Glacial Energy obtains its energy from the energy providers offering excellent prices, terms and conditions. They are good mediums useful to customer advantage as they extend better benefits to their customers. Since they have low overhead they give low prices. But their greatest service is centered on electricity. They offer energy service for commercial and industrial enterprises and devote extensive attention to their energy customers without unnecessary interruption of marketing other services.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tips on Saving on Electricity Costs/Expenses

The rising costs of energy lead people to implement their own thrift-smart ways for saving electricity at home. It is not difficult to cut back on electricity usage without changing and sacrificing our accustomed lifestyle too much. Because we depend so much on fossil fuels for generating electricity, the costs of energy are expected to continue to rise. In many cases this rising costs is causing serious hardships financially. It is no wonder why many are finding ways to save energy and electricity. People often worry about increases in electricity expenses as it means a huge part of their income will go directly for paying off the most important household bill. For this reason, we look for good options to save on electricity costs so that we can save money and be able to use it for another probable expense. There are many ways to save and surely everyone knows a thing or two. The basic way remains; to switch off lights when not in use. This is probably one of the most effective ways to save electricity. What many people do not know is that heating makes the large part of an energy bill, especially during winters. However, cooling during hot summers is equally costly. Obviously, anything that requires repeated energy usage can cost you. Installing a programmable thermostat will help. They can control temperatures during periods when you have minimal need for heating and cooling. Regulating your home temperature will cause good savings on your electric bill. Fine tuning your home temperature can lead to substantial reductions to your electricity costs.
There are many simple actions and things you can do to achieve energy efficiency. You can use fluorescent light bulbs, too. Some think they are rather pricey, but not all. In fact, many are actually less expensive than the other energy alternatives.  If you are a smart buyer and you know where to look, you will save huge amount of both electricity and money from fluorescent lights. Compact fluorescent lamps are highly recommended as they use only one third of energy against the standard bulbs. This is why it is practical to make use of these lamps for many parts of your house so that you can cut down on your electricity cost. Practice area-based lightening system. It is wise to consider the lighting capacity as equal to the space of the room. This means you use the bulb capacity appropriate to the size of the specific area, and not something bigger that could light a bigger room. Moreover, making using of solar energy is still a good thing to consider. Try it and you will see. Also, take advantage of the EnergyStar label. It helps people attain energy efficiency by using energy efficient appliances. So when choosing your home appliances check whether it has the recommended label on it as it will really help you save considerable amount of money. There are actually many tips to save energy and therefore electricity costs.

Dependable Energy of the Highest Quality

Glacial energy concentrates in delivering dependable energy of the highest quality in service. It is reasonably priced products to cost-conscious business customers. It can help businesses save money on electricity costs as well as enhance service efficiency. Glacial energy is dedicated to supplying the most excellent combination of service and price to commercial business units of all scopes as a result of supreme value for price-conscious energy consumers. It’s also a growing market for retail energy in the US. It is currently selling power energy and serving industrial, institutional and commercial customers in sixteen deregulated markets. Glacial energy markets are licensed for businesses in several cities in the United States including Maine, New York, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, District of Columbia and California.  In addition, glacial energy will also be selling gas in the near future.
Since customers will be customers of their utility, they will be saving good money as a glacial energy commercial customer. The local utility holds the power lines that bring electricity to your organization and business. As a consumer you will be billed for the electricity delivery but at state governed rates. Glacial energy-being the energy service company-supplies the actual electricity as it continually shops for the top wholesale prices in order to lower down your costs. So far they have been very reliable, and in case of power failure or power disaster, it is your responsibility to notify your utility. They are obliged to counter with attention to all their customers. They are not expected to discriminate against other consumers of glacial energy from other energy service companies. The system of delivery is responsible of the utility and because it is such, it offers reliability and safety. The utility maintains the lines and repairs in case of power outages and storms. The regulatory body unit looks over the state utilities and help to ensure the utility constantly provides a reliable and safe delivery system for your advantage. It is assured that when you swop to glacial energy, the electrical service power in your home and state will remain uninterrupted. Switching to glacial energy as the electricity provider for your home and business will allow you to start enjoying the savings you gain from your energy costs. You might be wondering how you can avail yourself this and take advantage of the benefits it has to offer, well you just have to get enrolled the steps are convenient and easy.
Furthermore, you also need not worry about assessing your actual bill statement. It is convenient to follow them through as there will be access to your management and billing history that appear on your utility delivery bill. Depending on where you are located, you may not have to purchase power energy from your local utility. Glacial energy is an excellent alternative to standard electricity since it has the capability to decrease your energy costs. Yes, it is specifically created to lower the electrical costs of your business. This is because it buys their energy source directly from the original source and offers it to consumers at a very competitive price.

How to Help Save our Planet?

Saving planet Earth has been a long overdue campaign made by many responsible and well-meaning people and leaders of the world. Yet, the challenge remains unsolved. Have we really done our part as dwellers of this nation we belong? Many disasters happen in any parts of the world today, simply because the thickening of the ozone layer or what is commonly known as global warming continue to haunt people. Violators of the Earth continue to throw their garbage anywhere, and all other activities that also continue to threaten the Earth.
Below are among the very important yet effective ways to do, so that we can take part in making our nation great again in our own little ways, wherever we maybe in the world today.  
Yes, planting a tree maybe very simple that everyone can do yet a lot of people do not realize this. It’s good for house as shade when trees grow old. The air we breathe also becomes fresh and it becomes a good cooler in our places. Make it a habit to plant a tree for the whole family and it makes the whole family responsible citizens of the world.

Buying local products is also a good way of helping our citizens of the nation rather than patronizing on imported ones. You must see the amount of pollution when your food is transported from the farm and reaching to your own table. If you can do it, please buy from the local farmers. You do not only support local economy but reduce the amount of greenhouse gas when farm products are flown, shipped and trucked in.

By just simply turning off your incandescent bulbs in your room you can also save a lot. Remember that Fluorescent bulbs are even more affected in how many times you witched them off and turn them on. Doing this everyday will help you save energy, cooling costs, since lights can contribute heat into your room.

If you convince your employee for a work at home period even once a week could be a lot more of help to both you and your employer. You do not only save gasoline and money but you can also work even in your own pajamas, right?


Did you realize the cost of processing your paper ticket is $10, while when you patronize an e-ticket it would only cost $1. Anytime soon, the airline industry could save up to $3 billion a year. You do not only make the transaction fast but eliminating the use of paper is really commendable and will gain much financial savings to the industry.

Can you imagine how many answering machines are used by Americans? These units are open 24 hours everyday and also 7 days per week. But when all these machines would be replaced by voice mail services, you can enjoy the annual savings on energy to nearly 2 billion kilowatt-hours. You see, how a simple gesture of utilizing voice mail service could really mean a lot. In the same manner, can you also imagine how many answering machines in the US are trashed to landfills jut because they were destroyed.

By turning off your computers during night time you can actually save a total of 40 watt-hours every single day. Can you imagine that?

Newspaper recycling could mean 31 percent of these papers are saved. In America alone, there are over 63 million newspapers that were printed in the country. $44 million of this, or approximately 69 percent of them, are only thrown away. You can save more than half a million trees in a week if you simply recycle.

Getting Cheap Electricity

All of us knew that expensive prices in fuel boil down to a shaky economy. It could easily spark spiraling prices in basic commodities - and electricity too. When electricity price goes higher many people wonder where they could possibly get cheaper electricity as an alternative. It’s really hard where to find one. One thing is sure. What we can do is to find for lesser electricity. Nowadays, you don’t need to worry about. You can find cheap electricity anywhere you are.
However, our main focus for this article is not on finding cheap electricity but on how we can spend much less on our electricity bill. I know for sure that this has been the dream of many households. This means if you can spend much less on electricity without cutting out your activities or the things you do in which you need electricity. This would already be a great help to sustain your electricity bill every month.
The choice of lighting bulbs – Obviously, this is one of best solutions to spend less on electricity consumption. Well, I can assure you with that. I was once a lavish spender of electricity by using bulbs with yellow-colored lights during night time, until somebody introduced me to use bulbs which can really save much energy. I was shocked to see in my next bill the consumption was almost half only of my previous reading. From that time on I’ve changed all my regular incandescent bulbs to those that were introduced to me and amazing things happen. My electricity bill is always much less than my previous billings. What I am referring to here is the CFL energy saving bulbs. CFL bulbs are very efficient based on my experience. They consume only at least 25% of electricity. This means for every $1000 electricity bill you currently have you can save at least $750 – which 75% less than your previous electricity consumption. Not bad at all, Isn’t it?
The second idea I am going to share here about saving on energy is by installing LED lights in your homes. This is done by replacing low-voltage halogen with the 12v LED lights. Now, what is the difference between CFL energy savings with the LED light bulbs? Many people say LED lights are ten times more efficient than incandescent lighting. You could just imagine saving $900 from your previous $1000 electricity bill. That’s really great news!
For consumers who’ve been having hard times coping up with their monthly electricity bill you should read this over and over again since this is the ultimate solution to your problems. There maybe other sources of cheap electricity, but it is recommended to use what is currently observed as very effective sources of cheap electricity.
Right now, I have many appliances and over a dozen CFL bulbs at home but I don’t need to worry since I knew very well that my electricity bill is much lower than my previous reading. You too – feel the power of  CFL energy savings!