Thursday, August 19, 2010

Getting Cheap Electricity

All of us knew that expensive prices in fuel boil down to a shaky economy. It could easily spark spiraling prices in basic commodities - and electricity too. When electricity price goes higher many people wonder where they could possibly get cheaper electricity as an alternative. It’s really hard where to find one. One thing is sure. What we can do is to find for lesser electricity. Nowadays, you don’t need to worry about. You can find cheap electricity anywhere you are.
However, our main focus for this article is not on finding cheap electricity but on how we can spend much less on our electricity bill. I know for sure that this has been the dream of many households. This means if you can spend much less on electricity without cutting out your activities or the things you do in which you need electricity. This would already be a great help to sustain your electricity bill every month.
The choice of lighting bulbs – Obviously, this is one of best solutions to spend less on electricity consumption. Well, I can assure you with that. I was once a lavish spender of electricity by using bulbs with yellow-colored lights during night time, until somebody introduced me to use bulbs which can really save much energy. I was shocked to see in my next bill the consumption was almost half only of my previous reading. From that time on I’ve changed all my regular incandescent bulbs to those that were introduced to me and amazing things happen. My electricity bill is always much less than my previous billings. What I am referring to here is the CFL energy saving bulbs. CFL bulbs are very efficient based on my experience. They consume only at least 25% of electricity. This means for every $1000 electricity bill you currently have you can save at least $750 – which 75% less than your previous electricity consumption. Not bad at all, Isn’t it?
The second idea I am going to share here about saving on energy is by installing LED lights in your homes. This is done by replacing low-voltage halogen with the 12v LED lights. Now, what is the difference between CFL energy savings with the LED light bulbs? Many people say LED lights are ten times more efficient than incandescent lighting. You could just imagine saving $900 from your previous $1000 electricity bill. That’s really great news!
For consumers who’ve been having hard times coping up with their monthly electricity bill you should read this over and over again since this is the ultimate solution to your problems. There maybe other sources of cheap electricity, but it is recommended to use what is currently observed as very effective sources of cheap electricity.
Right now, I have many appliances and over a dozen CFL bulbs at home but I don’t need to worry since I knew very well that my electricity bill is much lower than my previous reading. You too – feel the power of  CFL energy savings!

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