Monday, September 27, 2010

Having Your Own Energy System Is Not That Impossible

Having to make your own energy system to provide yourself with electricity kind of seem to be an out of this world idea. We have been using the same kind of electricity that we get from electric companies to power up our small gadgets, mobile appliances and even big appliances. With this in mind, why is it that we have not even thought of making our own energy system that can provide us with electricity? And how do we make it? Is it really even possible to do such thing? Well it actually is and what we just have to do is figure out how electricity is being generated.

Electricity is a kind of power that is the same as light and heat. Nevertheless, it is very impossible to generate energy and most only provide little power. Like for example, the static electricity which makes your tiny hairs on your body remain in a room that is air-conditioned. But the best thing about energy is it can be transformed to one form and another. For that reason, the electricity that was produced can also be done switching any energy into electricity. And just by that, we can shrink the production of electricity.

An easy and very simple way of making or generating electricity is by the use of solar panels. Solar panels consist of photovoltaic cells, or for those who do not know what it is, it is equipment that converts light into electricity. The heat that comes from the sun, when it hits the panels, produces voltage. The voltage then, that was generated by each cells are relatively small and because of this photovoltaic cells must be attached to one another forming a series of cells in order to generate the desired level of voltage. Of course everything has its own disadvantage, and the disadvantage of solar panels is it is rather expensive and it also has low efficiency in terms of rating compared to other energy system that produces electricity. Knowing this, if you are still interested in making an energy system like the solar panel generator, make sure to have a load of money.

Another way to generate electricity is by the use of the wind. A windmill or a wind turbine generator is what is used when producing electricity from wind. Basically, what a windmill consist of is the dynamo. It is connected to a generator which later rotates the fan blades by the force of the wind. When the generator gathers enough wind energy, the dynamo then transforms or converts the wind energy into electricity. Windmills have higher efficiency rate when it is compared to an energy system such as solar panels. But the critical part of having this kind of energy system is that it should be placed in locations where the wind blows stronger.

Always remember that safety must come first when generating electricity. The proper tools and suits must be worn at all times. Electricity related accidents are one of the known cases around the world so always exercise caution when dealing with this kind of matter.

1 comment:

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