Sunday, September 12, 2010

Saving Our Planet

Have you thought about what you can do to help save our environment and maybe our planet? You can start at your home. Who ever said individuals cannot make a difference. Every small step you make can help improve the quality of water and air in your community, each thing you take to improve the environment from your home to your neighborhood can actually help save the planet. We all have to start somewhere.

First, make a list of things in your home that can help save the planet. You don’t have to spend money for this if that’s what you’re worrying about.  Use eco-friendly household products. Dispose your garbage properly; make sure the garbage truck/collector gets to collect them right on schedule. Do not bury toxic household products in your yard, they can be hazardous. Recycle waste materials if you can. As much as possible use non-toxic cleaners and paints and minimize using herbicides and pesticides. Collect rainwater through rain gardens and allow it to seep into the soil. Plant shrubs and trees-they help filter water runoff off your yard and off your neighborhood if your neighbors are doing the same.

To help clean the air, choose the kind of paints and coatings with the lowest amount of VOC possible. Keep in mind that volcanic organic compounds evaporate from paint and contribute to smog. If you are living in a smog-prone area, avoid painting during summer since it is peak of the smog period. Clean latex paint with water and do not rinse the water off the drain or in your yard. Bring the clean-up water to the hazardous waste facility instead. Keep paint container lids closed when not in use. This is not only beneficial to the air but most especially to people nearby such as your family. Avoid open burning rather try to compost yard waste.
To help save energy, if you are using a thermostat in your house, turn it low during night time. Turn it to an energy-saving temperature once you leave home. Plant trees for shading purposes. Also take advantage of solar power for light. Make sure your house has sufficient insulation in the ceiling. Purchase only Energy-Star label appliances when needed. Wrap the hot water heater with insulation blanket designed for such purpose. Use energy-saving lamps such as compact-fluorescents (CFL) and light-emitting-diodes or LED lamps.

It is essential to preserve the planet to ensure future generations can enjoy and prosper with it as well. Many people do not know the fact that our planet is under huge threat from a host of dangers, while some people prefer to ignore the reality of the risks that Mother Earth is involved. People should minimize or completely STOP selfish acts such as illegal logging, ozone layer polluting and even animal killing. Yes, saving our planet is not limited to clean water and air, saving energy but also saving endangered animals as they all belong to the planet. Your actions to help preserve our planet can inspire and drive others to do the same because a collective movement can really make a difference.

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